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Stereophile Dec 2022


2nd Edition

Brilliant Corners #2: Manley Steelhead RC phono preamplifier
The other day it occurred to me that the main difference between audiophiles and more reasonable adults isn't our gear. Plenty of people have impressive hi-fis simply because they can afford them and are running out of things to buy.

Schiit Audio Tyr monoblock power amplifier
t's a not untypical tale. Two veteran engineers, Jason Stoddard, who had extensive experience in product design, development, manufacturing, and marketing, and Mike Moffat, who had an impressive track record designing hi-fi products, got together in June 2010 to start an audio company.

Wilson Audio Specialties Alexia V loudspeaker
In the very first copy of Stereophile I encountered, back when issues were digest size, one review infuriated me. The writer went on at inordinate length about the fine wines he'd consumed during the review period. On and on he went, gushing about the costly drinks, until I exclaimed (in a sentence laced with expletives), "What in the world does any of this have to do with audio?!"

Big-Hall Acoustics and Hi-Fi
What do New York's Lincoln Center and the typical Stereophile reader have in common? Both have recently made large investments to achieve sonic excellence.

Re-Tales #27: Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes in the hi-fi industry
I spoke with people working in hi-fi to get a sense for how the industry is evolving. Here's one way: Some companies at the market's higher end are eschewing the traditional distribution model, in which a domestic company serves as middleman for products from overseas, buying and reselling inventory to dealers and then providing support.

Rogue Audio Pharaoh II integrated amplifier
This morning, I received an email from John, my DIY friend in Europe, saying how happy he was. He had just finished building a new power amplifier using two UcD250LP class-D amplifier modules. He described the results as "quiet, clear, clean, effortless class-D power," adding, "What more could I ask for?"

1st Edition

Some Polish hi-fi discoveries and delights
I'd heard many times over the years that the Warsaw Show--officially called Audio Video Show 2022--was a "great" show. But that gives barely a hint of the special nature of this show, the second largest audio show in Europe.

Rogue Audio Pharaoh II integrated amplifier
This morning, I received an email from John, my DIY friend in Europe, saying how happy he was. He had just finished building a new power amplifier using two UcD250LP class-D amplifier modules. He described the results as "quiet, clear, clean, effortless class-D power," adding, "What more could I ask for?"

Re-Tales #27: Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes in the hi-fi industry
I spoke with people working in hi-fi to get a sense for how the industry is evolving. Here's one way: Some companies at the market's higher end are eschewing the traditional distribution model, in which a domestic company serves as middleman for products from overseas, buying and reselling inventory to dealers and then providing support.

Good Grief, That's a lot of Vince Guaraldi!
The year 1965 was turbulent, pivotal, and consequential. LBJ sent soldiers to the Dominican Republic, stepped into Vietnam with both feet, and signed laws expanding voting rights and creating Medicare and Medicaid. Antiwar protests gathered steam, Bob Dylan went electric, the Beatles played Shea Stadium, Sandy Koufax pitched a perfect game, and pioneering DJ Alan Freed died.

Hymns of the Republic
Summer 1959. The concert under the stars in the Wellfleet, Massachusetts, town parking lot was over. Pete Seeger was packing up his banjo as I approached him gingerly--I was 6 years old. I stuck out the notepad I'd been careful to bring. "Can I have your autograph?"

HiFi Rose RA180 integrated amplifier
Sometimes it's good to step outside your comfort zone. In fact, I relish new and novel experiences. It's a major reason I enjoy attending hi-fi shows and events: for the chance to see and hear new things--new hi-fi equipment, especially equipment that's groundbreaking or unusual.

Source Stereophile

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